“Yesmovies” The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption “Yesmovies”



Movie Info: Andy Dufresne is sent to Shawshank Prison for the murder of his wife and her secret lover. He is very isolated and lonely at first, but realizes there is something deep inside your body that people can"t touch or get to...."HOPE". Andy becomes friends with prison "fixer" Red, and Andy epitomizes why it is crucial to have dreams. His spirit and determination lead us into a world full of imagination, one filled with courage and desire. Will Andy ever realize his dreams?. Scores: 2230247 vote. creator: Frank Darabont. country: USA. runtime: 142 Min. tomatometer: 9,3 of 10 star

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Ive seen this film so many times and I never tire of it. Its a classic that will go down through time. The Shawshank best movie i have seen adapted from a novel by Stephen King but this is a special film even better than the novel i adaptation yet to walk through in International Cinema.
The great camaraderie between Tim Robbins & Morgan Freeman is very difficult to ! What an on screen display by both of them. If Robbins was fantastic then Morgan was illiant acting by Tim best by him so he would Freeman comes out with an en-lighted dialogs in the film are truly inspiring & heart tastic work by epitome of performance by Morgan rest of the casting is Whitmore as Brooks is a revelation,so is Bob Gunton as the warden.
The plot is is can never make out what happened in the such a travesty that you have to watch it directorial of Frank Darabont is top stuff whereas the screenplay by him is very much dialogs are so memorable you will always carry them are some of the best dialogs from this:
Andy Dufresne: They say it has no memory. That"s where I want to live the rest of my life. A warm place with no memory.
Red: Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.
Andy Dufresne: That"s the beauty of music. They can"t get that from you. Haven"t you ever felt that way about music?
Red: We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders and felt like free men.
This movie is the epitome of all movie can emulate the camaraderie between that of those two Shawshank watch for a fabulous & thrilling experience.

You remember the name of the town in Mexico right. CRAP. ????????????????????????. “God Im so angry I can just throw a rock at that poster of David Cassidy!” I love how they describe what theyre about to do LOL. Still cry when andy escapes. Am I the only one who cries like a baby every time they watch this movie. C3 80 l 27 ombre de shawshank redemption cast. “You took the Lords Name in vain. Im telling the warden!” “Youll be telling him about a baton up your ass! ”. Truly incredibly respectable from one of today"s most rare and beautiful films. 0:56 I"ve always thought that guy shouts FOCUS! really loud. He probably said something else, but it made me laugh thinking that it was FOCUS.

C3 80 l ombre de shawshank redemption. 1:58 My best laugh of my life.

I"m gonna take the poop pipe to the crap swamp. I can"t stop laughing

Do you feel rehabilitated? Yes, I do. Denied. Do you feel rehabilitated? No, I don"t. Approved. Will forever be my favorite film(s. May God take us all to heaven and never let evil touch us again. In Jesus Name Amen. 3:25 idk why i anticipate a mr. krabs laugh when he finishes warning the prisoners.






